The building blocks of human anatomy, like those of the other mammals, are four kinds of tissues, each of which serves a specific purpose. Nerve tissues comprise the nervous system and send and receive the brain's electrical messages; connective tissues, which hold together the body's different structures (i.e, the ligaments that connect muscle to bone); epithelial tissues, including the skin, that line cavities and cover organs; and muscle tissues, which make up the body's musculature.
These building blocks all come together in the organs, discrete structures that perform certain specialized functions. The human body has nine major organsystems: the respiratory system (lungs and airways); the digestive system (stomach, intestines, esophagus); the musculoskeletal system (bones and skeletal muscles); the reproductive system (ovaries or testes, female or malegenital); the integumentary system (skin); the circulatory system (blood vessels, heart, blood); the excretory system (kidneys, bladder, urethra, ureters); the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves); and the endocrine system(hormone producing glands and tissues).

Certain terms exist that allow physicians, surgeons, and others to discuss human anatomy in a way that eliminates misunderstanding and ambiguity. For instance, the words "trunk" (neck, chest, and upper abdomen), "pelvis" (lower abdomen), "perineum" (below the abdomen), and "vertebral column" (spine) describe the main regions of the body. These and all of the more specific terms relyon the body always being in the same position so that they mean the same thing to everyone at all times. Even if a particular body is not in this position, the words medical professional use to describe it will correspond to the "anatomical position." This consists of a body standing upright with its armsat its side, palms facing out, feet together, and head facing forward. From there, the body is divided by the median plane and two subplanes